Pizza Calzone
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A classic among pizza, the calzone.

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Catégorie: Plat principal Pizza Porc Hans @ Ariane @ DeKookbijbel
Cuisine Type Italienne


Pour 2 Personnes


2 piece(s) Pizza Dough
1 Tomato sauce (Mutti, Cirio, ...)
4 slice(s) Ham
150 g Parisian White MushroomsParisian White Mushrooms
1 ball Mozzarella
Pepper and Salt
1 handvol Basil
50 g Mozzarella, grated

Pizza Calzone Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Tear the ham into pieces. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Cut the mozzarella into pieces.
  3. Spread the pizza bases with toman sauce. Spread chamignons, ham and baslicum on top.
  4. Season with oregano, pepper and salt.
  5. Fold in the dough.
  6. Spread with olive oil and tomato sauce. Finish with organo and grated mozzarella.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes at 200¨°c

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