Bechamel sauce
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bechamel sauce, delicious with cauliflower, lasagna, ...

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Catégorie: Sauce, huile, vinaigre, marinades, bouillon Jeroen Meus


Pour 4 Personnes


30 g Butter
40 g Flower
250 g Cheese
1 stuk(s) Egg yolk (optional)
Pepper and Salt
Nutt meg
7 dl Milk

Bechamel sauce Instructions

    The base of the sauce is a roux. Melt the butter in a cooking pot and add the flour.
    Allow the flour mixture to dry while stirring, but make sure the roux does not stick.
    As soon as you smell a delicious biscuit smell, pour the milk into the pot. Continue to stir patiently with a whisk until the sauce binds.
    After stirring for a sufficiently long time, you get a smooth bechamel sauce. (Avoid too thick a sauce. To dilute the sauce, add some extra milk.)
    Remove the pot from the heat and mix the ground cheese into the sauce. (Keep a portion of cheese aside for finishing.)
    Add a dash of lemon juice.
    Season the sauce to taste with pepper, salt and nutmeg.

Notes recette

For an extra shiny sauce, you can stir in an egg yolk.

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